
Κυριακή 5 Απριλίου 2020

Lesson_Plan: Numbers_Revision

Our plan for today!

Subject: Numbers 1-10

Key terms: number,one ,two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Learning objectives: Revise counting one to ten, start identifying the numbers.

Materials and preparation: computer/tablet, printer (optional), tray/plate, salt/flour, lego bricks, white papers, markers, scissors, glue, bucket, newspaper/junk papers, brush, materials for collage[check below on the arts & crafts part]

➤Sensory activities
Time to get messy!💕 We have two activities using these materials: some flour/salt, a tray/plate - any color except white -, markers, an A4 page, a small brush and the numbers’ flashcards.

👉The first one is a pre-writing activity where you need the flashcards for the kids to see and copy the numbers and the tray to write the numbers on with their finger. One card at the time please. About the tray/plate, must not be white because the flour and the salt is also white and they will not be able to see what they write.

👉The second activity is about seeking and matching the numbers. Write, all across an A4 page, all the numbers from 0 to 10 with different color marker. Write down in line the numbers on a second paper also. After, cover the numbers and the page with a layer of flour/salt and give the child a small brush to start brushing the flour/salt up and revealing the numbers. Everytime the child finds a number, has to name it and delete it from the list. Good luck with the excavation!

➤Lego constructions
Get ready to build some towers! Firstly, lay all the flashcards on the floor in order, from 1 to 10, you can ask some help from your child. It’s not an easy task, so do not worry if they can not find the right following number every time. Once the cards are ready, take the lego bucket, start from the beginning, identify the number and put the right amount of bricks to build the tower for each number, like the example. Count every time the bricks to be sure.

 1   2   3  4  5   6   7  8  9  10

➤ Action game
For this game you will need some old newspapers/magazines, supermarket brochures or any paper you don’t need. Screw the papers into balls with your children and make plenty of them. Find a bucket and place it in a small distance from you. Write down your names and throw by turns equal number of balls in the bucket. Count how many you put in and see who is the winner! 😁

➤ Arts & crafts
✂This is a big project craft about the numbers that is going to keep your children busy all week long. You have to gather eleven different materials to fill in the big numbers. Print big numbers or sketch your own on papers, one for each number. Provide your children with a glue and let them stick the materials you have given between the lines of the number. One different material for each number. Some materials you can use are (*don’t forget to keep an eye on the children and ensure they are safe*): lentil, rice, couscous, salt, cereals, different colored papers, feathers, pom poms, crepe/tissue paper balls, ribbons, buttons, pencils’ shavings  or anything you can think and find in the house that can be glued. In this way you will create different texture card numbers to feel and you can also hang them in the kids’ rooms to practise every day.

➤ Educational online games
💻The following game is about the order of the numbers and the kids have to click on the one missing. It is challenging so you should give it a try!
Note: If you like, you can have the flashcards in order next to you so the kids can see the numbers.

💻This game is also enjoyable offering multiple choices on the tasks. You have to put on the ladybug’s dots by counting, matching or ordering. Easy peasy!

''That was it! I hope it was a useful project and you had fun. See you soon!''

Lesson plan: Sea life